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How many checkers does a player have?

Each player has 12 checkers divided between three rows. To set the game up, each player places their checkers on the black squares in the first three rows in front of them. It doesn't matter if you're the white or black player, the pieces always go on the black squares. Checkers can only move diagonally, and they can only move forward.

How many pieces are in checkers?

Keep on reading to find out how. How many pieces are there in Checkers? Each player has 12 checkers divided between three rows. To set the game up, each player places their checkers on the black squares in the first three rows in front of them. It doesn't matter if you're the white or black player, the pieces always go on the black squares.

Are checkers a good board game?

A classic board game like checkers ticks all the boxes that some complex games can’t – it’s a great family board game, an easy kids’ board game to pick up, and it still manages to a fun board game. Learning how to play checkers can be the stepping stone that future strategy lovers need.

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